澳博官方网站app believes it is the role of government in each country to protect the human rights, 包括安全保障, 它的公民. 然而, we believe we can play a constructive role in helping to promote respect for human rights by our own actions and by seeking to engage with the governments of the countries with and in which we operate. 此外,我们承认 《澳博体育app》 as the recognized framework for corporations to respect human rights in their own operations and through their business relationships.
澳博官方网站app complies with applicable international and local legal requirements in the countries in which we operate. Where local law conflicts with the principles contained in this 人权 Statement, 澳博官方网站app遵守当地的要求, 同时, seeking ways to uphold the principles set forth in this 人权 Statement.
While 澳博官方网站app recognizes that it is the responsibility of each client and supplier to define its own policy and approach to the issue of human rights, we believe such relationships provide an opportunity for the development of best practices relating to the promotion of human rights. In our client relationships we seek to incorporate respect for human rights and demonstrate a commitment to fundamental principles of human rights through our own behavior. We seek to engage with suppliers whose values and business principles are consistent with our own and through our procurement 政策 and standards seek to encourage behavior by our suppliers that is consistent with the principles set forth in this 人权 Statement.
澳博官方网站app is committed to respecting the human rights of our employees through our internal employment 政策 and practices, 例如我们的全球隐私政策, 哪些保护员工的个人信息和我们的健康, 家庭护理和多元化计划和项目.
As part of our broad effort to ensure that respect for human rights is integrated into the business of the firm, 澳博官方网站app has adopted 政策 and procedures designed to ensure compliance with legal requirements and which seek to prevent our products and services from being used for improper purposes. 这些政策和程序包括我们的 行为准则, 我们的反腐败, 反洗钱, 反贿赂, 了解你的客户和反恐融资政策. 澳博官方网站app is additionally subject to laws and regulations prohibiting commerce with certain countries, 组织和个人.
澳博官方网站app’s support for the protection and preservation of human rights reflects our core values. 我们认识到,这必须是一项持续的努力, with ongoing work to reassess our practices and our approach in light of changing global circumstances and an evolving global policy environment. We are dedicated to exemplifying good corporate citizenship through our commitment to respecting human rights and through our broader commitment to corporate responsibility generally.