我来自海地. 现在,我住在布鲁克林. Where I used to live is very, very small, walk-in basement, living with my two kids and my mother. 我总是告诉他们,不会永远的. 我要把每一分钱都省下来买房子. 房地产(代理),Mr. 格雷戈里,他让我去见. Ennell.
My name is Ennell埃斯佩兰斯, and I’m a home lending advisor with 追逐 Bank. 尚塔尔是我最喜欢的客户之一. 她是第一次买房. 她是抚养两个孩子的单亲妈妈, 照顾她的母亲, same thing that my mother did when she migrated from Haiti to Brooklyn. 在成长过程中, I knew the struggles that my mother would go through in terms of trying to provide just a better life for me and my sisters. 当我和香黛尔坐在一起时,我们发现了 她有资格获得纽约市提供的10万美元赠款. 她也有资格得到我们的5美元,000 追逐 Homebuyer Grant that we were able to combine together to put towards her down payment and closing costs.
我简直不敢相信我会得到这个. 但是,. 恩内尔做到了.
我是一个真正投入社区的人, I make it my duty to find out about these programs and make sure that everyone knows and can achieve the dream that they want to.